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The PainExam podcast

A podcast featuring's creator David Rosenblum, MD, discussing Pain Management Board Preparation, keywords, and current topics relevant to any physician who practices pain management. David Rosenblum, MD has been preparing physicians for the pain boards since 2008, and is currently the director of Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center, AABP Pain Management , and CEO of

Apr 17, 2024

 Dr. Rosenblum describes a patient with chronic shoulder pain who failed shoulder replacement, steroid injections, nerve blocks, cryotherapy, and peripheral nerve stimulation of the axillary and suprascapular nerve block.  In this podcast, he discusses his perfomance of Shoulder Radiofrequency Ablation targeting the articular branches of the suprascapular nerve, axillary nerve, nerve to subscapularis and lateral pectoral nerve.  
Other Announcements from NRAP Academy:
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Ultrasound Interventional Pain Course Registration 
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