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The PainExam podcast

A podcast featuring's creator David Rosenblum, MD, discussing Pain Management Board Preparation, keywords, and current topics relevant to any physician who practices pain management. David Rosenblum, MD has been preparing physicians for the pain boards since 2008, and is currently the director of Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center, AABP Pain Management , and CEO of

Mar 25, 2021

Sedation and Fasting Status of Patients Undergoing Interventional Pain Management Procedures

A Review of ASIPP’s Guidelines:

Dr. Rosenblum reviews ASIPP Guidelines for Sedation and Fasting Status of Patients Undergoing Interventional Pain Management Procedures with Pain Physician.

Also covering, Upcoming Events:...

Mar 9, 2021

SIS Guidelines on COVID Vaccination & Steroid Injections

Regional Anesthesia Virtual Training Sunday March 14, 2021...

Dr. Rosenblum discusses the precautions recommended by the Spine Intervention Society. Concerns addressed:

  • How soon after a Covid vaccination can I get a steroid injection?
  • How long after a steroid...

Mar 2, 2021

Dr. Rosenblum Interviews Amitabh Gulati, MD- WAPMU Faculty

Dr. Rosenblum sits down with Amitabh Gulati, MD
WAPMU Faculty, to Discuss Cancer Pain Topics.

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Upcoming Ultrasound Training Workshop Event Schedule-

March 14, 2021-
Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia for Anesthesiologists-