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The PainExam podcast

A podcast featuring's creator David Rosenblum, MD, discussing Pain Management Board Preparation, keywords, and current topics relevant to any physician who practices pain management. David Rosenblum, MD has been preparing physicians for the pain boards since 2008, and is currently the director of Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center, AABP Pain Management , and CEO of

Dec 11, 2023

PainExam Podcast Show Notes: Exploring Traumeel as an Alternative for Back Pain Relief

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Board Prep and Continuing Education 



  • Today, Long Island Based Pain Physician David Rosenblum, MD  delves into the latest advancements and alternative treatments for pain management.
  • In today's episode, we shine a spotlight on Traumeel®, a homeopathic alternative gaining traction for its anti-inflammatory properties, with fewer reported side effects compared to corticosteroids.

Understanding Traumeel:

  • Traumeel, a fixed combination of diluted plant and mineral extracts, has been available over-the-counter in Europe for over 60 years.
  • Contrary to corticosteroids, Traumeel's popularity has surged due to its limited side effect profile, with reported contraindications primarily linked to allergies [9].