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The PainExam podcast

A podcast featuring's creator David Rosenblum, MD, discussing Pain Management Board Preparation, keywords, and current topics relevant to any physician who practices pain management. David Rosenblum, MD has been preparing physicians for the pain boards since 2008, and is currently the director of Pain Management at Maimonides Medical Center, AABP Pain Management , and CEO of

May 27, 2022

Remote Patient Monitoring-

remote patient monitoring

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How to Implement Digital Health Tools and Billing Codes to Optimize and Grow Your Pain Practice?

The emergence of new CMS codes in the space of remote...

May 20, 2022

Why You Are Still Sick?: Author Gary Kaplan DO-

Dr. Gary Kaplan  Integrative Medicine and Pain Management?

Dr. Rosenblum Interviews Dr. Gary Kaplan...

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Upcoming Events...

Advanced Pain Board Review...

May 3, 2022

Caudal Epidurals on Anti-thrombotics?-
tricyclics revisited Is it safe?

Dr. Rosenblum takes a close look at ASIPP’s guidelines, and data discussing the risk of hematoma when performing a caudal epidural on a patient who is taking an anti-thrombotic agents and are at high risk for stopping these medications.  Also discussed, Caudal...